August 2016 Lunch Club

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A troupe from the Silver Stars Dancers will entertain at the Lunch Club on August 11. The Silver Stars is a program of the Debbie Werbouck’s School of Dance & Music. Dancers are all over the age of 60, but still can strut their stuff. It promises to be a good time.

The lunch will take place Thursday, August 11, at the Elks Lodge 235, located at 3535 McKinley Avenue, South Bend. Doors open at 11 a.m., and the lunch is served at noon. The menu will be Beef Manhattan with mashed potatoes and corn. Dessert will be mixed fruit. Tilapia is offered as an alternative entree, but must be ordered in advance. The cost is $12 for SBAA members and $14 for non-members. People attending for the first time are charged half-price.

To reserve your spot, call (574) 393-6004 or click on the tab below.  A table can be reserved if you have a minimum of eight people. Deadline for reservations is Tuesday, August 9.


[sf_button colour=’secondary accent’ type=’sf-icon-reveal’ size=’standard’ link=’monthly-lunch-club-registry’ target=’_self’ icon=’ss-view’ dropshadow=’no’ extraclass=”]REGISTER FOR LUNCH CLUB[/sf_button]

[/spb_text_block] [spb_single_image image=”2626″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” intro_animation=”none” full_width=”no” lightbox=”yes” link_target=”_self” caption=”Cyd Maravolo, left, and Teresa Naomai show some of the costumes from the Casaday Costume Company at the June Lunch Club. The dress held by Teresa was fashioned from a shower curtain.” width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”first last”] [/spb_column]