SBAA Co-Ex Grant Policies

The Co-Ex grant purpose is to provide monetary support for co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The Co-Ex grants support South Bend Community School Corporation and the South Bend Empowerment Zone schools through academics, the arts, athletics, special-interest clubs, STEM, and other co-curricular activities. The SBAA recognizes the importance of co-curriculars and extracurriculars:

  • Create Community: Students in extracurriculars form positive peer groups and school pride, and extend their community to include the larger area through service.
  • Social Impact: Each service project helps students become engaged and service­minded individuals.
  • Personal Development: Extracurriculars allow students to develop their passions and skills, and promote teamwork, leadership, time management, and self-esteem

SBAA Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Definitions

Co-curricular refers to “activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement what students are learning in school-i.e., experiences that are connected to or mirror the academic curriculum.”

Examples of co-curricular activities include band, student newspapers, theatrical performances, art shows, mock trials, debate competitions, and mathematics, robotics, and engineering teams.

Extracurricular activities are sponsored or recognized by a school or the school corporation. They are not part of the academic curriculum but are acknowledged to be an essential part of the school experience. (The International Dictionary of Education)

Extra-curricular activities include athletic teams, and student clubs, associations and organizations which are sponsored by the SBCSC Board or the individual school and are directed by a staff advisor. Any activities which is listed in Appendix II of the NEA Collective Bargaining Agreement may qualify, but they must meet at the school on a regular basis, have a staff or faculty sponsor/advisor, and be sanctioned by the principal. Clubs or teams that are open to students from multiple schools, including those outside the SBCSC, must have at-least 50% participation by SBCSC students to be eligible for Co-Ex Grants.

    Co-Ex Grant Guidelines 

    1. Each application for funds is reviewed and discussed on its individual merit.

    2. Grants are given monthly (except July) and need to be submitted by the 1st of that month to be considered.

    3. The Co-Ex Grant Committee can award up to $3,000 per grant proposal, although larger amounts may be considered by the full SBAA Board, with limited exceptions.

    4. The Co-Ex grant award may not fully cover the cost of the proposal, so it is encouraged to have other funding sources.

    5. Students who benefit from a Co-Ex grant are expected to give back a (2 hour minimum per student) to the community that has supported them by participating in a volunteer service activity.

    6. Service projects must be done after the grant is awarded and completed within a year. If not completed within the year, the grantee can not apply for the following year.

    7. Grantee must complete the Co-Ex grant survey after the completion of service.

    • Provide number of students that participated
    • Provide clear photos of service and photos of grant request (i.e., students in new uniforms or students using new lego robotics).
    • Provide feedback on the experience of receiving the Co-Ex grant and its impact on students, information on the service project. (We’d always love to hear from students too.)

    Things to Consider

    Field Trips

    Co-Ex grant monies are awarded for co-curricular & extracurricular activities only. They are not granted for regular classroom field trips.


    As a general rule, Co-Ex funds will not be used to purchase food for meetings or extra­curricular activities. When a team is traveling to a state or national competition, the purchase of meals may be considered as part of the overall costs for the trip.

    Personal Clothing

    Co-Ex funds are not to be used for personal items of clothing that are a reward for belonging to a group and become the property of the students. However, sometimes t- shirts serve as a uniform for a club and are worn for group functions, e.g., the Madison choir. In such instances the Co-Ex committee may approve the purchase.


    The transportation of students to and from school and for off-site extracurricular activities is normally the responsibility of the SBCSC. Co-Ex grants are not to be used for such regular ongoing transportation. An exception may be made for a one-time event that has special transportation needs.

    Before You Get Started

    1. Print and fill out the Grant Signature Page
    (you will need to upload it to your application)

    2. Have your service project selected with date and time
    (a list of possible service partners can be found below)

    3. Gather all financial quotes/budget for items requested with grant funds