Riley Class of 1973

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45-Year Reunion

The Riley High School Class of 1973 will have a 45-year reunion beginning at 7 p.m. on Saturday, July 21, at Simeri’s Old Town Tap, 1505 W. Indiana Avenue, South Bend. It will be a casual meet-and-greet, with no meal or event charge other than Simeri’s cover charge.  The bar will have a live band to entertain. All mid-1970s classes are invited to attend, as well as those who moved, dropped out or transferred schools. Classmates from the 1973 class are invited to a gathering from 7 to 10 p.m. on July 20  at the home of Tim & Mary Andrews, 1116 E. Victoria Street, South Bend. BYOB and food to share. Check out the Riley Class of 1973 on Facebook for posts and pictures.


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