September 2018 Lunch Club

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The September Lunch Club will be the last of our monthly gatherings. The SBAA Board of Trustees voted in July to end the monthly lunches, citing declining attendance and the pending loss of two key organizers. Bill Przybysz, who has chaired the Lunch Club Committee since its beginning, has decided to step down. SBAA office manager Nancy Sulok, who handles the mailings and much of the other work of organizing the lunches, will be retiring at the end of August. In a gesture of appreciation for Lunch Club members, the Board of Trustees voted to make the September lunch free for all attendees. The menu will feature roast beef, with tilapia offered as an alternate entree. The tilapia must be ordered in advance.

Reservations for the September lunch must be made by noon on Thursday, September 6. To reserve your meal, call the SBAA office at (574) 393-6004. Or register on line using the link below.

We hope former classmates who enjoyed meeting at the monthly lunches will continue to stay in touch with each other.


[sf_button colour=’secondary accent’ type=’sf-icon-reveal’ size=’standard’ link=’/monthly-lunch-club-registry’ target=’_self’ icon=’ss-view’ dropshadow=’no’ extraclass=”]REGISTER FOR LUNCH CLUB[/sf_button]

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