May and June Co-Ex Grant Winners

The South Bend Alumni Association believes that Co-Ex Grants create a contract for excellence by supporting co-curricular and extra-curricular activities at South Bend schools. Student participation in these activities provides an incentive to stay in school and helps to improve classroom performance. In return for receiving a Co-Ex Grant, students are asked to complete a service activity to give back to the community. Here are the recipients for May and June:


  1. The Riley High School Football Team was awarded $850 for new football jerseys. The football team will volunteer at the Kroc Center in the fall.
  2. The Washington High School Men’s Soccer Team received $1,100 for new soccer jerseys. The team will volunteer at La Casa de Amistad in the fall.


  1. The John Adams High School Concert Choir was approved at $2,000 for new attire. They will hold a donation drive for the children’s department of a local hospital.
  2. Clay High School Football was awarded $1,400 for On-Field Headphones. The team will work with Granger Community Church for their service project.
  3. The Jefferson Traditional School Cheerleading Team received $2,000 for new uniforms. They will host a Safe Harvest Party for all feeder elementary schools at Jefferson in October.