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Donations play a vital role in our association; it’s what provides funds for current high school grants and scholarships, and also helps us in organizing and running different events that keep our South Bend alumni connected. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for one of our upcoming events, please contact by calling (574) 393-6004 or emailing us at sbaa@sbcsc.k12.in.us.
If you are interested in generally donating toward our cause, you may donate, using the PayPal link below.
[sf_button colour=’accent’ size=’standard’ link=’/dev/donate’ target=’_self’ icon=’ss-view’ dropshadow=’no’ extraclass=”]DONATE[/sf_button]
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We are always open to having South Bend alumni members volunteer to help organize and set up special events that help raise funds for our association. If you are interested in taking part in our cause, contact us below.
[sf_button colour=’white’ type=’sf-icon-reveal’ size=’standard’ link=’dev/lets-talk’ target=’_self’ icon=’ss-view’ dropshadow=’no’ extraclass=”]CONTACT ABOUT OPPORTUNITIES[/sf_button]
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The South Bend Alumni Association helps to support students currently enrolled in South Bend’s public schools, and also keeps you in touch with your former high school classmates. Contact the Alumni Office at (574) 393-6004 or email sbaa@sbcsc.k12.in.us with questions or register below!
[sf_button colour=’accent’ type=’sf-icon-reveal’ size=’standard’ link=’become-a-member’ target=’_self’ icon=’ss-view’ dropshadow=’no’ extraclass=”]BECOME A MEMBER[/sf_button]
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